Meeting announcement: Portland section of the IEEE PSES Society 

Tuesday 18th Sept, 2012

6:30pm networking and refreshments, 7pm meeting 

Intertek conference room

Intertek Testing Services

22887 NE Townsend Way

Fairview, OR 97024 (Google or GPS your way there, if needed)

Topic: Anomalies in Product Safety; a different view

Speaker: Rich Nute, our internationally known local guy

Abstract: From Rich's vast experience he will be taking the group on a tour
of issues that arise in product assessment according to the standards which
don't always seem to make sense all the time; a bit of PS101. For instance,
what are the key variables in dealing with burns from hot surfaces?
Standards usually specify a max temperature, is that adequate under all
circumstances. What are the key variables in dealing with an energy hazard?
Or do spacings always insure adequate isolation in the face of an applied
voltage? These questions are not product or standard specific but apply in a
myriad of situations. Join us for this interesting evening working to wrap
your mind around all of this; come and broaden your understanding in these
fundamental ideas. 

We will also be talking up the National ISPCE12 PSES meeting to be held in
Portland Nov 5-7. Go the IEEE PSES website to see the details for this
meeting. This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to hob-nob with the
international PSES community right here in our fair city; plan to attend
this event. 

Additionally, we will be recruiting volunteers to help keep the program
running smoothly those days; here's an opportunity to give back to your
professional organization by helping in this. Let us know if you can be a

We're looking forward to seeing you at this meeting Tues the 18th Sept.

Save Tues the 16th Oct for our next fall PSES PDX meeting also. 

:>) br, Pete

Peter E Perkins, PE

Principal Product Safety Engineer

PO Box 23427

Tigard, ORe 97281-3427

503/452-1201 fone/fax

[Yes, even John Woodgate is invited...]

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