Competent and reliable = interesting concept.

Until the RED is actually usable existing means of NB appointments do not do a 
lot in the area of competence.  For example, a TCB has to show competence in 
the area they certify.  They must prove that reviewers can actually do the 
testing and they need to show more than just average knowledge.  The same 
cannot really be said about NBs.  While it may be assumed all NBs have the same 
level of competence, that simply is not the case.  

The RED, to its credit, does try to address this situation by requiring 
significantly more expertise to be shown by both the Notifying Authorities and 
Notified Bodies.  By putting more stringent requirements and more uniform 
requirements on all Notifying Authorities this at least levels the playing 
field and will prevent or slow down the approval of less competent NBs.  




Dennis Ward

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From: Anthony Thomson [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you 
sell wireless devices into Europe


But the thread started with Nick Hooper saying that Notified Body's were 
already, and have issued opinions against the RED. This is where my interest 
lies, in finding a NB to issue an opinion against the RED in the coming weeks, 
when I stumbled across Nicks post questioning the validity of these NB opinions.


I though NB's were supposed to be competent and reliable. I often rely on them 
to ratify and confirm our regulatory position. Sounds pretty serious to me and 
I find my confidence in the whole NB system waning!





Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 8:52 AM
From: "Michael Derby" < <> >
Subject: Re: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you 
sell wireless devices into Europe

Just to add to the conversation, I will throw in a little practicality…….


There are two primary compliance routes for manufacturers to use the RE 
Directive, as with the R&TTE Directive.

A manufacturer can fully apply the harmonised standards.

Or, a manufacturer can consult a Notified Body to obtain an opinion when 
harmonised standards are not fully applied.

(I guess you could also add that there is the option for a quality assessment 
(Annex V of R&TTE), using a Notified Body).


For the RE Directive:

There are no harmonised standards.

There are no Notified Bodies.


So, from a practical point of view, it is also impossible.






Michael Derby

Senior Regulatory Engineer


ACB Europe


From: Anthony Thomson []
Sent: 29 October 2014 15:00
Subject: Re: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you 
sell wireless devices into Europe


Hi Charlie,


Thanks for your assistance, but I still can't see anything preventing one 
claiming compliance to the RED. It's an EU directive which does appear to be 
currently 'in force' across Europe, though not yet 'enforceable' by law.


So why can't you claim compliance to the RED (assuming you do)? To coin a 
phrase... "there's no law against it". Or is there?


See my ongoing questions below.




Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 12:59 PM
From: "Charlie Blackham" <>
To: "Anthony Thomson" <>, "EMC-PSTC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG" 
Subject: RE: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you 
sell wireless devices into Europe


Article 48 says that the existing legislation (R&TTE or EMC+LVD) may be used 
for equipment within scope of RED until 13 June 2017, provided it was on the 
market before 16 June 2016.

T: Yes, I can see that Article 48 permits optionally applying the R&TTED (et. 
al.), to new products, for 1 year after the RED becomes enforceable under law 
on 13 June 2016. However, I can't see how this sets the earliest date that 
compliance against the RED can be claimed, and this is what I'm trying to get 

Article 49 says that RED shall be applied from 13 June 2016 (in other words, it 
is won’t be applicable until then). 

T: Does Article 49 say the RED applies from 13 June 2016? To me, it tells 
Member States to have everything in place to comply with the directive by 12 
June 2016 and start enforcement on 13 June 2016. It does not prevent companies 
complying before that date, does it? I'd have thought that companies are at 
liberty to comply with requirements before thay becomes legally mandatory and 

T: Article 51 says the RED "enters into force" 20 days after publication in the 
OJ which equates to 11 June 2014. So the RED is currently "in force". Sadly 
there is no definitions of "in force or "into force" within the directive, so 
common definitions needs to apply. So from Article 51, isn't the RED already 
'in force', though not yet enforceable under law?.

T:  So I can see that under Article 49 that there cannot be any laws in place 
to enforce the RED's application until 13 June 2016. Surely however you can 
claim conformance before then, you just cant be penalised for not doing so 
(considering the limitation of enforcement of Article 48).

 However . . . . It’s “only” a Directives. Directives have to be implemented 
into National Law, in at least one member state, before they can be used – 
that’s the part that currently stops you.

T: Isn't that what stops Member States enforcing a Directive? Surely companies 
can still optionally conform to it, after all the RED seems to have been in 
force since 11 June 2014 (albeit not enforceable until 13 June 2016 or 13 June 
2017 if you chose to apply the R&TTED).

T: Where does this thing about "at least one member state" come from? I'd like 
a black and white reference for this. It seems to be something lots of people 
say without any solid foundation. How can an EU directive be legally 
enforceable in one EU country and not another? Isn't it 'all or nothing' (hence 
the 13 June 2016 date in the RED).

 RED is not a simple NLF alignment like 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU because there 
is also a change of scope and a number of items are moving into RED from 
EMC/LVD and out of R&TTE into EMC/LVD.

 There are commission workshops on RED and EMCD planned for November, and 
issues around transition are on the agenda.





From: Anthony Thomson []
Sent: 29 October 2014 12:34
Subject: Re: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you 
sell wireless devices into Europe




I'm completely confused by this situation and some clarity really would be 
appreciated. Where in the directive does it say you that can't currently claim 
compliance to the RED (well, as of 11 June 2015 - see below).


I've heard Amund's comments below from other sources too, but I cannot find any 
basis for this in the directive.


Articles 48 through 50 mentioned by Nick merely state:

1. That the authorities cannot "impede" goods based on the RED until 13 June 
2016 (Article 48).

2. That EU countries RED enforcement laws shall be in place before, and applied 
from 13 June 2016 (Article 49).

3. The R&TTED is repealed on 13 June 2016.


None say you can't claim compliance to the RED.


Now... Article 51 states that the RED shall enter into force on the 20th day 
following its publication in the OJ. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe 
the RED was published in the the OJ on 22 May 2014 and has therefore been in 
force from the 11 June 2015.


So if it's in force, providing you meet the provisions of the RED, which 
article(s) prevents claiming conformity? After all, it is (interpretation, 
which may well be wrong) in force?


I admit that I haven't scrutinised the whole document and all its references, 
so I presume that I have missed some key facts. The benefit of greater 
experience really would be appreciated.




Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 8:08 AM
From: "Hooper, Nick" < <> >
Subject: Re: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you 
sell wireless devices into Europe


Articles 48 to 50 will also be implemented as part of the National Law, hence 
enforcing the dates below

Best regards




From: Amund Westin []
Sent: 29 October 2014 07:52
Subject: SV: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you 
sell wireless devices into Europe


RED applies from when the first EU/EEA member state has implemented the 
directive into national law?





Fra: Hooper, Nick []
Sendt: 28. oktober 2014 12:04
Emne: [PSES] New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) - please read if you sell 
wireless devices into Europe


Hello everyone.


I have been in discussion with the EU Commission and ADCO chairman as there 
seems to be an amount of misunderstanding on when you can declare compliance to 
the RED.  I explained to Lucio that we have seen a few cases of DoC and NB 
opinions to the new RED, and therefore had a question on the validity of these 

Below is the response received from the ADCO R&TTE Chairman.


“Dear Nick

We have already had such problems and administrative non compliances :)

The new Directive (RED) is currently not applicable (will be applicable to 
products first placed on market as of 13 June 2016).  Hence the manufacturers 
cannot use, right now (i.e. for products placed on market before 13 June 2016), 
the references of RED (new Directive).

Best regards



Lucio Cocciantelli
ADCO R&TTE Chairman”


Please ensure you read Artcile 48 to 50 of the RED, and pass this information 
on asap.


Notified Bodies should not be issuing Opinions to the RED until they are 
listed, on the yet to be published, NANDO database for RED Notified Bodies.  As 
the accreditation assessments will be taking place over the next year, it is 
unlikely the RED NANDO list will be published until late 2015 / early 2016


Nick Hooper BSc(Eng) CEng MIET 

Chairman R&TTE CA



Grove House Business Centre, Chineham Court, Lutyens,

Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AG, England



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