The adjective ancillary is intended to mean auxiliary or subordinate.

An EPS or battery can be considered as non-effective 'ancillary' equipment only 
where the selection of various models or sources do not affect the outcome of 
the EMC or safety reports.


From: McDiarmid, Ralph [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Ancillary Equipment per EN 301 489-1

If it helps, the Oxford Concise English dictionary defines "ancillary" as: 

"a person, activity, or service providing essential support" 

Since the AC/DC adapter is essential to the function of the device, it provides 
more than merely "essential support" 
It is by all means an inseparable part of the device, even if it is a separate 
physical part. 

Sounds like something the US Supreme Court would love to spend days to argue 
the point.  ;>)) 
Ralph McDiarmid
Compliance Engineering
Solar Business
Schneider Electric 


itl-emc user group <> 
02/22/2016 09:23 PM 
[PSES] Ancillary Equipment per EN 301 489-1


1.      According to EN 301 489-1 the definition of ancillary equipment is: 
“equipment (apparatus), used in connection with a receiver or transmitter 
NOTE: It is considered as an ancillary equipment (apparatus) if: 
               the equipment is intended for use in conjunction with a receiver 
or transmitter to provide additional operational and/or control features to the 
radio equipment, (e.g. to extend control to another position or location); and 
               the equipment cannot be used on a stand alone basis to provide 
user functions independently of a receiver or transmitter; and 
the receiver or transmitter, to which it is connected, is capable of providing 
some intended operation such as transmitting and/or receiving without the 
ancillary equipment (i.e. it is not a sub-unit of the main equipment essential 
to the main equipment basic functions). 
2.      According to the above, it is my understanding that any ancillary 
equipment would have to meet all three conditions as the word “and” is used at 
the end of the first two conditions. 
3.      Questions: 
3.1. If a radio device uses an external power supply (e.g. AC/DC adapter) 
without which it cannot function, would the power supply be considered 
ancillary equipment? My opinion is no but I would like to hear other opinions. 
3.2.  A radio device uses an external power supply (e.g. AC/DC adapter) to 
charge an internal re-chargeable battery. The device can also operate from the 
battery power without the power supply. Would the power supply be considered 
ancillary equipment in this case? My opinion is yes as the device can operate 
without the power supply once the battery is charged  but I would like to hear 
other opinions.   
4.      The above is due to disagreement with customer concerning radiated 
emission testing of the power supply as ancillary equipment as stand alone for 
a device with a re-chargeable battery 
5.      Thanks in advance for any opinions. 
David Shidlowsky | Technical Reviewer 
Address 1 Bat-Sheva St. POB 87, LOD 71100 Israel 
Tel 972-8-9186113 Fax 972-8-9153101 
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