Thanks for the details, Brian!  I have Pressman's 3rd edition and didn't
see any significant discussion of initial transient/charging behaviors, but
perhaps haven't read closely enough yet.

My experience w/50% FL de-rating has been different but seems related to
your comments regarding component temperatures/airflow.  One supplier has
public qualification data that includes e-cap lifetimes versus load % and
ambient temperature and has told me that e-cap stress is their biggest
reliability concern.  Another supplier has provided predicted reliability
at different load %'s (but not demonstrated).  I am fairly familiar w/HALT
and SR322 (had a reliability engineer role at one time).

For the in-rush behavior, I have thought it to be a function of the primary
side circuit design (capacitors & current limiters) in the 1ms range.  Did
you mean AC bus or DC bus charging for the multiple cycles case?  I am
interested to do a bit more testing of an existing design under different
load conditions based on your description.  I have disassembled supplies
from different suppliers in the past in the 100W to 300W load range in
order to compare input/output capacitors and overall designs.  On the
primary side, all capacitances have been within a 2X range (80uF to 164uF @
420/450V) and on the output side a 10X range (1000uF to 10000uF and with
very different e-cap voltage de-rating from 1.5x to 7x of Vout).

For the upstream protection, there are definitely differences in CB
performance whether thermal or combined thermal/magnetic. Depending on the
installation location, I have seen instances of local supplementary
protection (UL1077 CB's) in addition to branch protection, so I am wanting
to make sure the whole power distribution system is well understood for a
range of system designs/sizes.

 Thanks again!


On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 2:48 PM, Brian O'Connell <>

> *From:* Adam Dixon []
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 19, 2017 9:59 AM
> *Subject:* [PSES] AC/DC power conversion and system architecture (in-rush
> limiting, reliability, cabling)
> Long post from this weekend's studies.... I have been thinking about power
> distribution system tradeoffs for large systems where multiple AC/DC power
> supplies are used.  Surveying 5 or 6 suppliers, picking an arbitrary 100W -
> 200W range for comparison, I see in-rush current specs with a very wide
> range (14A to 80A) and a bit of variation in the specified voltages.  Some
> like to specify at 200VAC, others at 230VAC -- all are auto-switching
> universal input, so the datasheet numbers must be scaled to make an
> equivalent comparison.
> The first one or two cycles are mostly to fill up the DC bus caps. Some
> PFC implementations could increase the period of inrush to three to ten
> cycles. That said, the peak for the inrush current is (at least for my
> employer’s stuff) is well under 1mSec for one or two cycles. Auto-switch
> designs are not same as ‘universal’ input. Some auto-switch units will also
> have another inrush condition during transition from 120V to 230V input. In
> any case, the inrush number is useless unless for the least favorable
> normal operating condition, which is typically 230V.
> Targeting a 50-70% of full load rating for improved reliability seems
> reasonable from reviewing qualification data, as well as past discussions
> with two suppliers.  That will in some cases increase the number of power
> supplies in the system based on mounting location, ease of manufacture and
> cabling for a large physical structure.  Voltage drop on the DC output is
> another parameter that affects power supply location.
> Reduced FL will not necessarily increase MTBF; and for many SMPS designs,
> output load does not necessarily affect the peak inrush current, but can
> affect the period of initial high input current. Input V and source Z are
> the dominate factors for inrush, but for power supplies that have a
> de-rating for some operating conditions, the 50% load can be an interesting
> test condition.
> I'd appreciate feedback about in-rush current limiting hardware at the
> system level.  I've seen power supply specifications with block diagrams
> that identify in-rush limiting circuitry which I expect are mostly either
> NTC's or planar surge resistors. At the system level, it looks like three
> main options:  a hybrid surge resistor/bypass relay module (European
> suppliers(?)), a softstart controller (targets motor applications) and
> switched outlet PDU's for data center applications.  I think the hybrid
> module is best for a largely capacitive inputs and these modules'
> datasheets give a capacitive load rating (1500uF up to 10000uF from what
> I've seen so far).  Network access for the smart switched outlet PDU is
> probably not an option for the system design.
> ‘System’ level inrush limiters could cause problems for some edge cases.
> If input current rise or voltage rise goes non-monotonic, some SMPS designs
> will not be happy. While NTCs are typical solutions to SMPS inrush
> limiting, there are obvious problems where input power can be cycled after
> the unit has reached operating temperature, and for efficiency. The common
> solution is a relay across the input NTC, so the NTC never stays warm, and
> less power and less heat.
> Have seen a few soft-start functions of control ICs that resulted in weird
> poles and zeros. And some were indeterminate given certain input
> conditions. So depends on the design and how used
> Inrush-limited PDUs can be problematic for both EMI problems and safety
> hazards where the inrush limiting solution is not closely mapped to
> characteristics of the particular power conversion equipment.
> There also look to be moderate cost differences by technology
> type/application.
> Any good reference material beyond supplier datasheets and application
> notes?  I've done some searching this weekend and have seen one general
> lighting reference with estimates for rectifier/PFC topologies of being
> 30-100x of operating current for in-rush, which doesn't mate well with how
> the circuit breakers are spec'd (10x to 30x for the millisecond range
> in-rush transient).  I've also seen a few data center-oriented papers and
> quite a few pages/papers for inductive motor in-rush applications which is
> not what I am considering.
> The Pressman book on SMPS design is recommended. Many component power
> supply mfrs have published guides for the end-use equipment designer.
> There are special considerations for motor power ≥ ½ HP in both the way
> things are connected per NEC, and for power supply design considerations.
> Branch circuits typically use CBs for current interrupt, which are less
> affected by short-interval overloads.
> Any suppliers of preference worth evaluating for in-rush limiting for a
> 12-16A operating current application with common AC/DC open/closed frame
> supplies?
> Is the 50-70% FL de-rating for improved reliability a common design
> target?
> FL ‘de-rating’ has little direct effect on published reliability numbers
> for a SMPS. The typical and heart-breaking tragedy of pre-mature component
> power supply death is typically from input surges or inadequate air-flow or
> constant overload.
> Other design attributes that jump to the forefront for you?
> Look for stuff where the mfr’s design process includes HALT and SR322.
> Thanks for reading the whole way through and giving it some thought!
> Cheers,
> Adam

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