Hi Brian:


If your charger is powered from 120/240 volts
domestic service, the maximum transient
over-voltage is about 6 kV due to the clearances
in the service entrance.  Domestic equipment will
never see 15 kV.


Likewise, for industrial service, the maximum
transient over-voltage will be determined by the
clearances in the service entrance, and not likely
as high as 15 kV (18 mm according to IEC 60664-1,
Table F.2).   


So, it appears to me that your charger is to be
connected to an unprotected overhead service that
is subject to lightning strikes up to 15 kV.
Suppression is difficult.


But, you said "pass," not suppress.  Easier, but
takes lots of space - 18 mm between all
conductors.  And some good, HV solid insulation.
Did your customer specify expected energy?


You might do a Google search for 15 kV surge


Best regards,




From: Brian Ceresney
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Surge Suppression - Dos, and


We have been requested to pass 15kV on the mains

Best Regards, 

Brian C.




From: James Pawson (U3C) [
Sent: August-22-17 9:36 AM
To: Brian Ceresney <
Subject: RE: [PSES] Surge Suppression - Dos, and


Hello Brian,


What surge voltages are you testing to? Presumably
just on the mains input?






From: Brian Ceresney [
Sent: 22 August 2017 17:31
Subject: Re: [PSES] Surge Suppression - Dos, and



Dear Regulatory Experts,

We have recently had a request from a customer to
modify an industrial battery charger(48V, 1000W
output) to meet extremely high surge limits,
ostensibly to help survive lightning strikes. In
designing this version of the product, we have
added varistor surge protection from Line-Ground,
Line-Line, and Neutral-Ground positions. This
product is intended for use in North America, and
Europe, and will be third-party-approved for both.


I recall from previous discussions on this forum
that there are specific requirements for accepting
this type of design, due to the inevitable failure
of the surge protection devices. I believe that
fuse protection in line with each surge device is
required, as well as some sort of indication to
warn the user when the surge protection circuitry
is damaged. Series connected spark -gap devices
were mentioned, and there was also some discussion
about the rationale behind dielectric strength
testing, and how to perform it, especially on the
production line. 


I've searched the archives, but not found anything
definitive that is recent. In addition, even
though Google is my friend, I have not managed to
find a standard that can offer me up to date
guidance on this issue. 

Can anyone suggest standards, bulletins, or any
other document that can light my way?   

Thanks, in advance,


Best Regards, 

Brian (the third Brian, I think) 



Brian Ceresney

Regulatory Lead

Delta-Q Technologies Corp.

3755 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, 

B.C. Canada. V5G 3H3


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