Someone on the list had a great idea. I can buy round trip 
tickets for $260 so I may offer that. That should work and be a good compromise 
if that is the real reason. I am suspicious of the manager’s intentions here 
but will find out on Monday when I make the offer.
What should I do if the offer to buy the airline tickets (their reason for 
cancellation in the first place) is rejected?
Also an engineer from the list is intending to register which would replace one 
of the other two. So things are working out. Will have a written policy after 
this. If the person had a personal issue like sickness or a family emergency, 
even at the last minute, I would refund the whole amount.

                Doug SmithSent from my iPhoneIPhone:  408-858-4528Office:    
702-570-6108Email:     doug@dsmith.orgWebsite:


On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 7:29 AM -0700, "Istvan Novak" 
<> wrote:

Hi Doug,

Arguing with a no travel policy may not help, because those are usually 
across the board measures in companies, allowing few or no exceptions.

I think the straightforward approach is to make clear at the time of 
registration that there is a cancellation policy with a deadline beyond 
which there is reduced or no refund.  If you want to be fair and 
accommodating, you can give a refund (minus a cancellation fee to cover 
the extra administration) IF the two seats are filled by other applicants.



On 9/14/2018 4:51 PM, Doug Smith wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I need some advice on a pair of cancelled registrations for a class I am 
> holding next month. Two people from the same company registered and the 
> company paid the registration fees. At that point the seminar was full (I 
> limit it six people for a good experience) so I stopped marketing activities 
> for the last week and a half. Then a manager higher up decided there will be 
> no travel and now they want a refund. At this point, it is not likely, 
> although possible, that two people additional people will register as time is 
> short to get the required approvals. I have about an hour of work on each 
> registration invested at this point for a total of two hours plus that much 
> time to register and arrange for two different people if the register. Part 
> of my time is making hotel reservations as the hotel and most meals are 
> covered in the registration fee. Issuing a refund is a fair amount paperwork 
> and record keeping, probably about an hour total for both. Basically, to save 
> a few hund
>   red doll
>   ars this company wants to cost me almost 10X that if I cannot fill the two 
> seats (of six).
> The problem is the no travel policy. I use Las Vegas McCarrann airport which 
> must be the cheapest airport in the world because of being a vacation 
> destination. I can fly to California for less than the cost of gas to drive 
> there in a car ($49 ticket on SouthWest). The cost of their tickets should be 
> about $300 or less per person round trip from their location compared to 
> about $2000 per person already paid.
> What do others do for a cancellation policy? In the past, I let someone come 
> to a future delivery for no extra charge. In that case, the person had a 
> personal reason for not being able to come. I try to be good to people as 
> with the person just described plus I let unemployed engineers come at about 
> to my cost if I have empty seats.
> What would you do? I could use some advice.
> Doug
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