On Sat, 18 Feb 2023 19:12:57 +0900,
  "T.Sato" <vef00...@nifty.com> wrote:
> However, in case of the EMC Directive, it requires "... it complies
> with this Directive when properly installed, maintained and used for
> its intended purpose."
> If if is considered that to install tens of LED lights in a house is
> covered by the "intended purpose", shouldn't the LED lights still
> comply with the essential requirements of the Directive in that
> configuration, too?


I didn't mean to test tens or hundreds of lamps as a whole.

I only said that they shouldn't cause interference poblem (it is half
of the essential requirements of the Directive) when installed and used
as intended.


>> On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 6:56 PM Ken Javor <ken.ja...@emccompliance.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I’m finding this an extremely interesting discussion. I don’t have
>>> anything definitive to offer, but I do have a question to help stir the pot.
>>> If the possibility that multiple items might be used together and that
>>> emissions will be additive in some fashion is a justification for testing
>>> multiple units at a time, what about ... light bulbs?
>>> Meaning CFLs or LEDs.
>>> My house is full of them.  It is reasonable to assume that most
>>> homes/businesses are. Perhaps the emissions limits for these were based on
>>> this reasonably foreseeable outcome?
>>> Ken Javor
>>> Phone: (256) 650-5261
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *John Mcbain <johnmcb...@ieee.org>
>>> *Reply-To: *John Mcbain <johnmcb...@ieee.org>
>>> *Date: *Fri, 17 Feb 2023 14:22:44 -0800
>>> *Subject: *Re: [PSES] Adding more than one EUT
>>> Hi Derek -
>>> Typical requirement for a unit that may be sold and used in multiples
>>> (that is, all the units can be sold together as one product) is you can
>>> test just one IF adding the other units does not increase the emissions.
>>> Of course the most practical way to determine that is to assemble the
>>> multiple units to see what happens.  If the test result for testing max.
>>> connected units compared to testing only one unit shows no significant
>>> difference, then you're good - but definitely archive those test results!
>>> If you can't pass the test with all units connected, then whatever you do,
>>> don't let Marketing create a multiple-unit product to sell.  ;-)
>>> Similarly, the desktop PC system that James mentioned would have all power
>>> cords separately tested for conducted emissions as a fully connected system
>>> (monitor, printer, scanner, etc. attached) if it is a  product sold as a
>>> complete all-included system.
>>> Best regards,
>>> John McBain
>>> On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 1:59 PM James Pawson (U3C) <
>>> ja...@unit3compliance.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi Derek,
>>> Is the daisy chain connection the AC supply or some other power bus?
>>> How is 8 units daisy chained any different to 8 separate units all on the
>>> same power bus? We are looking for individual emission contributions from
>>> each connected unit.
>>> If measuring conducted emissions on a desktop pc (y'know, the big ones we
>>> had before everyone had laptops to work from home...) the you would just
>>> measure the PC, not the monitor and printer and scanner and modem and and
>>> and...
>>> Just thinking aloud
>>> All the best
>>> James
>>> ---- Lfresearch wrote ----
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I’ve been asked to test a light fixture that has the ability to be daisy
>>> chained up to 8 units.
>>> When I run conducted emissions, I’m wondering if I need to insist on
>>> having 8 units plugged in at once i.e. fully populated, OR, can I just test
>>> one fixture at a time since that’s how the system is likely to be used
>>> also..
>>> Is there a legal requirement or precedent on how this should be tested as
>>> I’m going round in circles arguing with myself here.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Derek.
>>> SSCLabs,
>>> Reno, NV.
>>> -
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