Not an expert on that standard, but technically speaking.

If indeed both 300 meter and 3 meters are both in the far field of the
transmitting antenna, then the scaling is as 20 log (distance ratio). That
would yield a 40 dB relaxation, so your first answer is correct.

I cannot think of a case where the scale factor is 40 log (distance ratio)
over such a large ratio.

In order to provide a more useful answer, the transmit frequency and antenna
physical size and gain and type would be useful.

Ken Javor
Phone: (256) 650-5261

From: Youngsik Kim <>
Reply-To: Youngsik Kim <>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2023 11:32:20 +0900
Subject: [PSES] Question for FCC Part 18 RE test?

Hi Experts

According to FCC part 18.305 FIELD STRENGTH LIMITS, a test article of Any
type unless otherwise specified has a measurement distance of 300 meters,
but I want to measure it at a distance of 3 meters because I need to measure
it in a chamber.
In this case, what is the limit at 3 meters?

If we use Any non-ISM frequency, the measurement distance is 300 meters and
the limit value is 15 uV/m, We have a limit of 63.5 dBuV/m when measuring at
3 meters.
However, other laboratories apply a limit of 103.5 dBuV/m.
Depending on the RF power of the test device, can I use a 40 log instead of
a 20 log conversion?
Is the conversion different depending on the power of the test device?

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(free version)

Best Regards


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