
See if this is of any value. I haven't checked the released version lately,
so this may only be in head at this time. But do a CVS check out and compile
of 'HEAD'. In there you will find a program called "emcrsh" (in bin). It
basically supports the same functions as emcsh only over a telnet session.

To use it with an existing configuration and GUI, in the configuration you
are using, simply add "loadusr emcrsh" to the end of "core_servo.hal" or
"core_stepper.hal" for example. To use it in place of any GUI, copy
bin/emcrsh over bin/emcsh, and in the ini file set "display" to "tkemc".
Then emcrsh will run in place of any GUI.

Once it is running you can open a telnet session from the local machine as
telnet localhost 5007
Or from a remote machine by:
telnet <EMC computer IP or DNS address> 5007

This will establish a telnet session with EMC. Enter 'help' or 'help
<command>' to show all of the commands which are supported. Some important
ones are:

Hello <password> <client name> <version>

hello EMC emcuser 1.0

The default password is 'EMC', the client name can be anything, but I
typically use the network name of the computer establishing the telnet
session, and the only version which currently exists is '1.0'. A successful
hello exchange is required before emcrsh will respond to any commands other
than "help" and "quit". This will allow you to "get" (see "help get")
information from EMC. 

By default, 'echo' is on, so the first thing you will probably want to do
set echo off

Also, when manually entering commands through telnet, you can get more
meaningful error messages by turning verbose on, as follows:
set verbose on

If you want to change any EMC values, then you must "enable" the session as
the session in control as follows:

set enable <password>

set enable EMCTOO

Where 'EMCTOO' is the default enable password. Emcrsh supports multiple
simultaneous connections, but only allows one to be enabled for control at
any given time. A successful enable will disable any other session having

Note: It does not affect any of the GUIs specified by "display" in the ini
files and does not take control away from them, only other telnet sessions.

Let me know if that is of any help.


> Several months ago I asked a question about remote control of 
> EMC.  I received many excellent responses - thank you all.
> As the system architecture progresses, it has become clear 
> (or clearer) that what I need is the ability run EMC2 from 
> within a Python shell program (or supervisory program) 
> running on the same computer as EMC2.  The shell program will 
> start/stop EMC2 (not necessary, but nice-to-have), deliver an 
> " *.ngc"  file to EMC2 and have EMC2 execute that file 
> (necessary) and get status reports from EMC2 (necessary).
> I have researched emcsh and emcsvr , but have come to 
> dead-ends on both topics.  Does anyone have any ideas on 
> where to start my research?  Thanks!  I sense that I am just 
> emulating a GUI (or precluding the use of one), of which 
> there are many excellent ones that have been developed for EMC2.

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