Sam Sokolik wrote:
> Ask away.  (you are in the right place)
> sam
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "fungunner2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 4:02 PM
> Subject: [Emc-users] EMC2
>> Hi All
>> Im new here,is this the right Place for EMC2 Questions ?
>> (I have something about the Hal Config)
>> Hans
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First, sorry for my bad English scripting ;)
I've running a 3D-Step Card with 3 Steppers and EMC2 2.1.6.
This Card has an Hardware Pin (16) for Power-Boost Option
(between Accel and Decel)
I found a Description from  Alex_joni to activate it .The Point is,
in this Script exists the Signal Xpos but I cant find this in my Halmeter.
The only thing I've found is Xpos-cmd/Xposfb.
Changing Xpos with  one  of it  >  No Result. EMC starts without Error 
but in
Halmeter I cant see a Change on my new Signal boost.
Please bring me on the right way...
The Description is from 09.2006 I dont now the Version of EMC:

# ddt module laden
loadrt blocks ddt=6 hypot=2 wcomp=1

#dann die funktionen aufrufen
addf ddt.0 servo-thread
addf ddt.1 servo-thread
addf ddt.2 servo-thread
addf ddt.3 servo-thread
addf wcomp.0 servo-thread

newsig Xvel float
linksp Xpos =>
linkps ddt.0.out => Xvel
newsig Yvel float
linksp Ypos =>
linkps ddt.1.out => Yvel
newsig Zvel float
linksp Zpos =>
linkps ddt.2.out => Zvel

#da wir jetzt alle Geschwindigkeiten haben, müssen wir diese kombinieren 
(Hypot macht das)

newsig XYvel float
linksp Xvel => hypot.0.in0
linksp Yvel => hypot.0.in1
linksp XYvel <= hypot.0.out
newsig XYZvel float
linksp Zvel => hypot.1.in0
linksp XYvel => hypot.1.in1
linksp XYZvel <= hypot.1.out

#jetzt noch die beschleunigung von XYZvel kalkulieren
newsig XYZacc float
linksp XYZvel =>
linksp ddt.3.out => XYZacc

#dann diese mit einer bestimmten größe vergleichen
linksp XYZacc =>
linksp boost => wcomp.0.out
linksp boost =>

#die min und max werte sind die werte zwischen denen accel sein muss um 
den output zu setzen (probier mal verschiedene werte
setp wcomp.0.min 1
setp wcomp.0.max 1000


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