At 04:00 PM 7/17/2007, you wrote:
>On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 03:41:26PM -0500, Andre' Blanchard wrote:
> >
> > Is there a reload for the parameter table, the work offsets in particular?
>The interpreter reads and writes that file "when it needs to" and
>there's no need for the user to worry about it.  Just set the offsets
>with MDI commands (G10 L2 P) or the Touch Off operation in AXIS.

If you have ever setup and run a machine in a production setting using all 
the work offsets you would know that having to use MDI and G10 to do 
something as simple as bump a work offset a few 0.0001,s is not 
reasonable.  I have run machines where you have to adjust the work offsets 
up to 0.005 over the course of the first 3 hours every morning as the 
machine heats up, a 0.0001 or 2 every other part.  Better machines do not 
have as much thermal drift but on those machines you tend to be making 
closer tolerance parts so you still end up bumping the offsets thru the day.

Also near as I can tell there is not any way that a setup person can view 
local or global variables as the program runs making it difficult to debug 
macro programs or to even find out how many passes are left in a cut.

A page like this would make doing the more complex setups a lot easier.
And would get EMC a lot closer to the standard controls used in the 
machining industry, the graphics in Axis are way better then any control I 
have used but there are some areas that are very basic to using the control 
that have been left to work arounds.  Probably because they are not as fun 
to work on as the graphics areas.  I also get the feeling that the main 
programmers working on EMC have not spent a lot of time changing inserts 
and pushing the green button.

Mono spaced font and at least 80 columns before word-wrap
|Work Offset Page 1 of 1                                     Spindle Control  |
|                                                       S 1000  FWD REV STOP  |
|                                                                             |
|  G92   5211-5219     G54   5221-5229    G55   5241-5249    G56   5261-5269  |
|      X +000.0000      1  X +000.0000     2  X +000.0000     3  X +000.0000  |
|      Y +000.0000         Y +000.0000        Y +000.0000        Y +000.0000  |
|      Z +000.0000         Z +000.0000        Z +000.0000        Z +000.0000  |
|      A +000.0000         A +000.0000        A +000.0000        A +000.0000  |
|      B +000.0000         B +000.0000        B +000.0000        B +000.0000  |
|      C +000.0000         C +000.0000        C +000.0000        C +000.0000  |
|      U +000.0000         U +000.0000        U +000.0000        U +000.0000  |
|      V +000.0000         V +000.0000        V +000.0000        V +000.0000  |
|      W +000.0000         W +000.0000        W +000.0000        W +000.0000  |
|__________________                                                           |
|  Current Machine |   G57   5281-5289    G58   5301-5309    G59   5321-5329  |
|      X +000.0000 |    4  X +000.0000     5  X +000.0000     6  X +000.0000  |
|      Y +000.0000 |       Y +000.0000        Y +000.0000        Y +000.0000  |
|      Z +000.0000 |       Z +000.0000        Z +000.0000        Z +000.0000  |
|      A +000.0000 |       A +000.0000        A +000.0000        A +000.0000  |
|      B +000.0000 |       B +000.0000        B +000.0000        B +000.0000  |
|      C +000.0000 |       C +000.0000        C +000.0000        C +000.0000  |
|      U +000.0000 |       U +000.0000        U +000.0000        U +000.0000  |
|      V +000.0000 |       V +000.0000        V +000.0000        V +000.0000  |
|      W +000.0000 |       W +000.0000        W +000.0000        W +000.0000  |
|__________________|                                                          |
|Setup Tool Offsets|  G59.1  5341-5349   G59.2  5361-5369   G59.3  5381-5389  |
|      X +000.0000 |    7  X +000.0000     8  X +000.0000     9  X +000.0000  |
|      Y +000.0000 |       Y +000.0000        Y +000.0000        Y +000.0000  |
|      Z +000.0000 |       Z +000.0000        Z +000.0000        Z +000.0000  |
|      A +000.0000 |       A +000.0000        A +000.0000        A +000.0000  |
|      B +000.0000 |       B +000.0000        B +000.0000        B +000.0000  |
|      C +000.0000 |       C +000.0000        C +000.0000        C +000.0000  |
|      U +000.0000 |       U +000.0000        U +000.0000        U +000.0000  |
|      V +000.0000 |       V +000.0000        V +000.0000        V +000.0000  |
|      W +000.0000 |       W +000.0000        W +000.0000        W +000.0000  |

A page like this would be useful for setting up a job in the 
machine.  There are nine work offsets which can be used within a G code 
program.  Also shown is the G92 offset, which is added to all of the nine 
main work stations.
The first line of each work offset is the G code followed by the parameter 
numbers in which the data is stored.  Under the G code is the coordinate 
system number which is used with the G10 command for changing the work 
offset from a G code program.

The numbers shown under "Current Machine" are just that, the current 
position of the spindle gage point relative to the machine zero 
position.  These numbers are read only and are used to setup the work offsets.

The numbers shown under "Setup Tool Offsets" are like tool offsets but they 
are not saved in or read from the tool table.  They are only set from and 
used on this page.

In the top right corner under "Spindle Control" you can set the speed of 
and start and stop the spindle.

Keyboard input.

When you first open this page hit TAB, SHIFT TAB or a cursor key and the 
first or last editable position will be highlighted.  Use the TAB, SHIFT 
TAB or the cursor keys to move to the position you want to edit.  To change 
the value type a number and hit ENTER, the highlight will move to the next 
axis in the offset.

If you just want to adjust an offset type the character "I" followed by a 
value that value will be added to the current offset.  (I for incremental)

If you type the character "M" the current machine position for that axis 
will be used as the new value.
If you type the characters "*M" the current machine positions for all axes 
will be used as the new values for all the axes of the work offset.

If you type the character "T" the Setup Tool value for that axis will be 
added to the current value.
If you type the characters "*T" the Setup Tool values for all axes will be 
used as the new values for all the axes of the work offset.

You can combine these last two commands like "MT" or "*MT" in which case 
the current machine position/s will be added to the Setup Tool value/s and 
the result will become the new offset value/s.
Also if the "M" character is replaced with "G92", "G54", "G55", etc. the 
values will come from that work offset rather then the machine position.

Mouse input.

You can highlight any editable value rather then use TAB, SHIFT TAB.

Or you can highlight values and drag and drop on the offset you want to change.

Similar pages could be made for viewing and changing values for other 
A page showing the current values of the local variables would also be 
handy.  This page would need some way of backing up thru the values for 
each higher level sub program.
Note that these pages need to be live, so that the machine operator can see 
the values changing as the G code program is running.

Changing values of variables, including work offsets, while a program is 
running can lead to a very bad day, it can be very useful to a machine 
operator who knows what they are doing.

Andre' B.  Clear Lake, Wi.

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