Stephen asked:
|Is there any particular reason why you chose 2,400,000 for the servo and
|traj periods?  I'm sure it will work for these speeds (and it does
|reduce the CPU load marginally), but it shouldn't be necessary to
|lengthen these.  Can you share your reason for changing them?

  In answer to your question: I spent a few hours doing the old "only 
change one thing at a time" routine and I found that  as I brought 
base period below 10,000 even slightly, the display started to slow 
down and the cursor became "sticky". By 8000 it was freezing up the 
machine. I decided that even if it "worked" at 10000 a little margin 
wouldn't hurt as long as I could get the number of steps per second I 
needed. Hence 12,000
I juggled the servo and traj from a high of 5,000,000 down to 
1,000,000. I was getting some real time errors at 1,000,000 and they 
seemed to go away at around 3,000,000 but as I went towards 5,000,000 
I started getting following errors when I had the display (TK) in 
continuous mode but not in any of the incremental modes.  When I 
lowered servo and traj periods down to 3,000,000 the following errors 
stopped. (note that I didn't say it stopped "because" I lowered 
it)  Again a little margin Hence 2.5 but 2,400,000 is a nice multiple 
of 12,000 so why not use it since it was arbitrary anyway.

In my trials I always left the traj and servo the same even though 
it's probably not necessary and I might try changing each 
independently but I don't know what would be the gain since it 
"seems" to be behaving pretty well now.


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