It may be useful to refer to the docs, which I believe are up to date,-G33.1:-Spindle-Synchronized
.. but perhaps this conversation can help improve the documentation.

On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 11:33:27AM -0700, Kirk Wallace wrote:
> - Can a K be applied to each axis? Such as G33 z1.0 k0.050 x0.100
> k0.010. I suppose, I could just try it and see what happens.

No, there can be only one K-word.  The K-word gives the distance moved
for each revolution of the spindle.  For instance, if you are at X=0 Z=0
and command
    G33 X3 Z4 K.1
then the move will be on a sloped line with a total length of 5
(sqrt(3*3 + 4.4)).  During that time, the spindle will turn 5/.1 = 50
times.  The first turn will be 1/50th of the total distance, which means
that the machine will reach X.06 Z.08 at that time.

Look at it another way: Say you want to command the move from X=0 Z=0 to
X=3 Z=4, but with 10 revolutions per Z moved.  That's 40 total
revolutions, but the length of the move is 5.  Use K[40/5] = K.125.

> - How could subsequent G33's latch onto the last index of the previous
> G33 before the current G33 is invoked? What persists between G33 calls?

When the program has a G33 after a non-synchronized motion, it waits for
an index pulse before beginning the synchronized motion:
    G0 ...
         ( waits for index here )
    G33 ... 

When the program has two G33s in a row, the second one starts at
whatever angle the first one ended:
    G33 ...
        ( no wait for index here )
    G33 ...

So, for instance, these two are equivalent:
    G0 X0 Y0 Z0
    G33 X.25 K.1
    G33 X1 K.1
    G0 X0 Y0 Z0
    G33 X1 K.1
even though in the first case, the spindle is part way through a
revolution when the X.25 move finished.


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