Hey Forrest.  Don't get me wrong here.  I'm not meaning to turn you away
from your goal.  I only mean to point to issues between you and it.

On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 10:54 +0100, ForrestG wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to use EMC2 at UBUNTU 7.10. 

The first problem is "want."  There are a lot of things in life that
each of us want.  A billion $ to start.  But there are many limitations
between want and have.

In similar reasoning, there are a lot of issues between the source code
that you can get for an EMC2 project and a running machine control.
I've been building EMCs for more than 10 years now and can assure you
that it is not a trivial thing.  At least not trivial in the sense of
buying a game package and loading it on Msoft. 

But let's set aside the problem with Gibbon for a moment and look at
what can be done without a lot of modification.

> I read wiki installing page and I dont understand how to compile EMC2.
> Firstly i download source from this link
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6744&package_id=188858.

What you get with this is (2.2.2) is a good set of code that will build
if you have all the right stuff installed along with it.

There is a wiki page that will help put together a working system.  


That page clearly states the reason that we have not chosen to support
versions newer than 6.06.  

"2.2. Why aren't there packages for Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn"?
We have chosen to use 6.06 because it's a "long term support" (LTS)
release. If you use it, you can be sure of support and security fixes
from the Ubuntu team for 3-5 years. However, we would be happy to accept
and host packages for other versions if a user/developer of emc2 wishes
to contribute them."

Yes there are a few nifty things in 7.10 but for a machine tool control,
6.06 works rather well.  As that page notes there are quite a few things
you must do to an ordinary Ubuntu to make it real-time and then quite a
few more packages you'll need to build the EMC2 system from scratch.

> Now I wrote ./configure --enable-run-in-place in "src directory" so terminal 
> write
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/emc2$ cd src
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/emc2/src$ ./configure --enable-run-in-place
> checking installation prefix... /usr/local
> checking for RT dir... configure: error: RT not found.  Specify:
>         --with-realtime=<path>
> or use
>         --enable-simulator
> to build without a realtime system.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Right here is the real-time stumbling block.  You'll need to build a
real time linux kernel.  Some folk have experimented with doing that for
Gibbon but I've not seen any code or instructions released.

When you get past building a real-time kernel, you will find other
stumbling blocks.  You'll need to get all of the language packages that
EMC2 needs.  For 6.06 these can be gotten using some known "apt-get"
commands also listed on that wiki page.

> Im new at ubuntu and I dont understand how to compile anythink program.
> So can you send me basic manual how to install EMC2.

I'd recommend that you go through the process using 6.06 so that you see
all of the steps needed.  Don't get the EMC2 CD because that would cheat
you out of the experience of compiling a complete system.  (Unless a
running cnc control is what you want.  If that's the case, install from
the CD iso and have fun.)

Once you've got a complete kernel and EMC2 compile and are successfully
running it under 6.06, then join the emc2-devel channel on IRC and talk
with the guys about the Gibbon experiment.

Hope this helps


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