Matt Shaver wrote:
> I've been doing a lot of studying on EMC in the last few days (you can
> tell from the stream of stupid questions flowing from my e-mail address)
> and I see that every other part of the system has HAL pins except the
> task planner. I've noticed that halui provides a HAL to NML bridge, but
> if the task planner (and interp?) were HALified, you could make a system
> without NML if desired (I think).
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Matt

I don't see HAL and NML as doing the same thing, and I certainly 
wouldn't propose HAL pins for the task planner.

Halui serves a specific need - it lets physical buttons be used to 
control EMC instead of on-screen widgets.

HAL pins are mostly suitable for conveying state information:  is the 
button pressed, has the switch been hit, where is the axis, what voltage 
should the DAC be putting out, etc.  It is not a substitute for a 
messaging system.

I've never been particularly fond of NML, but HAL is not a suitable 
replacement for it.


John Kasunich

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