> Hi
> I am trying to use the 4th axis on the m5i20 board as the +/-10VDC control
> for a frequency drive
> I have added these lines to my io file:
> #Spindle speed from DAC 03 scale 500
> newsig spinspeed float
> linksp spinspeed <= motion.spindle-speed-out
> linksp spinspeed => m5i20.dac-03-value
the output on motion.spindle-speed-out will be in the same units as you 
specify with the S-word in G-code. For example
will result in motion.spindle-speed-out=200   (or maybe -200, I don't 
recall... :)
>  I added these to the ini file:
> #Spindle
> [AXIS_3]
AXIS_3 doesn't have anything to do with the spindle.

You probably want to re-scale the motion.spindle-speed-out before it 
goes to the DAC pin that accepts values of -10 to +10,
For example is +10V would correspond to 3000rpm then you would divide 
the spindle-speed-out with 3000 and then multiply by 10, so in effect 
divide by 300. You can do that with a scale comp, something like this:
loadrt scale count=1
addf scale.0 slow-thread
# ddt-scale == volts/rpm for VFD
# 1/300 = 0.003333
net rpm-scale scale.0.gain
sets rpm-scale 0.003333
net spindle-speed motion.spindle-speed-out scale.0.in
net spindle-speed-DAC scale.0.out <insert_your_dac_pin_here>

If your VFD internally has parameters for acceleration and deceleration 
then you can use those. If it doesn't then it might be a good idea to 
run the spindle command through a limit component to bound the RPM and 


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