On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 01:53:04AM -0400, Sergey Izvoztchikov wrote:
> Anyone has experience with this board ? Is it known product or new 
> board ? Any pros and cons ? Is is going to work under EMC2 control ? 
> Would it be a good choice for Sherline Mill CNC retrofit ?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230280442519&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=013

The driver's datasheet does not specify the timings required for step
length, step space, direction setup, and direction hold.

The driver is unipolar, which gives lower performance (speed/torque)
than bipolar.  The motors you mention can be used with either a bipolar
or unipolar driver.

The use of open-loop current control is uncommon in stepper motor
drivers.  The tuning procedure does not show how to ensure that the
stepper motor ratings are not exceeded.  (On current-feedback designs
there is a direct relationship between a reference voltage and the
current limit)

I don't like that the driver turns off after 30s.  When the
controller says the motor should be energized, it should be energized
and holding position.

In threads from 2006 through today, many people had trouble setting up
this board with various other control software


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