Jack Coats wrote:

>If you had another machine somewhere with a graphics display, even a 
>Winders box running an
>X server, the X client (on the EMC) machine could display there.
>I think what you are asking is can you run without X at all?  Someone 
>else will have to answer that
>definitively, but I think it currently needs AXIS running somewhere.
Nope.  AXIS is just one of several user interfaces available.  It's 
probably the most actively maintained, and I happen to like it the most, 
but it's not required.  (in fact, you don't have to use a computer UI at 
all, apparently halui can function as the DISPLAY program)

>  It 
>would be nice if there was
>a character (CURSES?) based version without the nice 'display' of the 
>real time motion.  And possibly
>there is, I just don't know about it.
That's what the question was about: keystick - one of the terminal based 
user interfaces ;)

>Or were you wanting to run 'headless', without Axis or equivalent at 
>all? (I think of something
>like the CarveWright, that you can't do much more than stop/start it, 
>everything else is pre-canned
>on another machine!)
>Carl Helquist wrote:
>>I would like to run keystick without starting an X display  
>>environment. Is this possible? I have searched the documentation, and  
>>looked at the contents of some of the scripts that start up EMC2 in a  
>>graphical environment. But so far I am not doing very well. I may very  
>>well be overlooking something very obvious.
You may want to set up a more standard set of init scripts.  Ubuntu and 
other Debian-based systems use both runlevels 2 and 3 as "multi-user, 
graphical" levels.  "Standard" UNIX usually uses runlevel 2 as 
"networked, non-graphical".  To prevent X from running, you can disable 
GDM from running by renaming the file S##gdm to K##gdm (I don't know 
what the ## will be, but it's a 2-digit number)  I don't recall how much 
more you need to remove, that may be all.

You should probably change the DISPLAY to "keystick" in some config and 
try it in a gnome terminal before fiddling with your system configuration.

If you're in a console login and don't want X to load when you run EMC2, 
you need to specify the path to the ini file on the command line.  (I 
don't know the specific syntax, I never do this ;) )  If you last ran a 
keystick-using config (even in a gnome terminal), you can also type "emc 
-l" (no quotes) to run the last used configuration.  I believe (but I'm 
not positive) that this will bypass the graphical config chooser.

>>Why would I want to do this? I don't know, I was just playing around  
>>with the machine and got the idea that it would be an interesting  
>>goal. Some of the recent messages on this board re: minimal  
>>installations of EMC2 were probably the primary inspiration.
Experimentation is good :)  Hopefully keystick has kept up with the 
changes.  Not many people use it, so it may have bitrotted some.

- Steve

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