I have all 3 axes of the Kasuga converted to EMC2 control using 500 line
encoders (2000ppr)on brush servos and Advanced Motion PWM amps. 
The ballscrews are 5mm pitch. I have the ini set for 10160 encoder counts 
per inch.
While pid tuning I noticed that in order to get my ferror down to below 
.002" during the accel/decel ramps, I had to reduce the deadband. This was 
after optimizing p,i,d,ff0,ff1,ff2. This causes the servos to continually 
hunt about +/- .0002"(two tenths)while at rest which makes a godawful chatter. 
The symphony of clicks, moans, pops and chatter is going to drive me nuts
eventually. Of course, I can always turn the machine off in Axis to stop the
noise - but I want to leave the machine on while fixturing, setting tool & 
work offsets, etc.
Is there some secret to tuning this chatter out while keeping following 
error down?

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