I'm pleased to announce the next release of the emc 2.2 series, emc
2.2.8.  This release contains a fix for a rare bug that caused incorrect
movement for G2 and G3 arc moves, as well as a few other things.

The new packages are now available for Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" in the
package repositories.  If you have already installed an earlier 2.2.x
version, this is available as an update in the Ubuntu update manager.
If you are still using 2.1.7 but want to upgrade, instructions are here:
For information on how to upgrade from 2.2.x to 2.2.8 without using the
package manager, see

Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake" packages should follow shortly.

CVS users can get this release by checking out the RELEASE_2_2_8 tag.
Source tarballs are available from the package repository:

Many thanks to Chris Radek, who finally tracked down and fixed this arc
bug.  Thanks also to John Thornton who has been working steadily on
improving the emc2 documentation.

Changes in this release:
  * Documentation improvements
  * Fix rare incorrect movement for G2 and G3 arc moves
  * partial swedish translation now under correct 'sv' language.
  * hostmot2 improvements: encoder velocity and index mask.  stepgen step
    types and bugfixes.  better logging.  improved device firmwares.


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