Up until now, I have been using AC2GC for gcode generation.  While this is
ok, it gets tedious when I am generating multiples of a single part.  I have
reviewed the Gcode manual numerous times and cannot get my mind wrapped
around the method for doing this.  I reckon something along the line of a
drilling cycle is in order with a coordinate system change.

For simplicity, can someone show a looping routine to cut out a square 1" X
1" path (not worried about tooling offsets) then skip 1/2" on the Y axis and
repeat.  Once it reaches the end of the Y axis (24" in my case), I want it
to index down the X axis and reverse on down the Y axis.  I then want to
repeat this full loop until I exhaust the X axis.

I actually want to cut more than a simple square, but using it should allow
me to understand the subroutine.


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