Tom wrote:

>I am using the Mesa 5i20/7i33 system to retrofit my knee mill. I just finished
>installing a 500 line (2000 ppr) encoder on the spindle, it is connected to the
>Enc03 quadrature inputs on P2. 
>My timing settings in my ini file are:
>BASE_PERIOD =                35000
Unless you're using "fast" I/O on the parallel port or similar, you 
probably don't need the BASE thread at all.

>SERVO_PERIOD =               1000000
>TRAJ_PERIOD =                10000000
These are fine, though these days the TRAJ thread often gets run at the 
same rate as the servo thread (1ms).

>My spindle is capable of turning at a max of about 6000 rpm. But above 3000 
>my floating point value on the hal pin: "rev-scaled" starts to bounce all over
>the place. At full spindle speed my encoder is turning at the rate of 120,000Hz
>(pulses per second).
I think there's something off in your calculations :)

2000 counts/rev * 3000 revs/min = 6,000,000 counts/minute
Dividing by 60 gives 100,000 counts/second at 3000 RPM, at 6000 RPM it 
would be 200 kHz.

Are you sure the encoders are up to it?  Do you have differential or 
single ended encoders?  Is there noise filtering on the encoder lines?

>My question is:  Is this too fast for my servo thread? If so, is it possible to
>read every other pulse? 
No, this isn't too fast.  The Mesa board can count at 1 MHz (x4 = 4 
million counts/sec) in single ended mode, or ~10 MHz (40 M counts/sec) 
in differential mode.  The manual does have a note: "The maximum input 
frequency may be lower with encoders that have high value (>1K Ohm) 
pullup resistors on open collector outputs."  The counter in the Mesa 
card shouldn't overflow between reads (at a 1ms servo rate) until you 
get to 32 million counts/sec (or 8 billion if it's 24 bits, I don't 
remember which it is :) )

- Steve

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