Peter C. Wallace <p...@...> writes:

> HostMot 5I20 encoder counter. With digital filtering turned on, the maximum 
> rate is limited to around 4 MHz. Thread rate should be unimportant as well, 
> especially with the original HostMot since its encoder counters are 32 bits 
> wide. Have you checked that the A and B signals are still in quadrature at 
> high speed? (needs a dual trace scope). Is the quadrature filtering enabled? 
> (it should be). Also it might be good to look at the quadrature signals at 
> the FPGA card.

Thanks for weighing in Peter. Whenever you speak, I have to put on my 
thinking cap for a while... What you are pointing out seems to imply that
you are concerned about noise in the lines. It looks like I am going to
physically connect some test pigtails to the 5i20 in the controller so I can
scope what is happening in the signal lines there. I have had glitches on the
limit switch inputs that stop the machine in the middle of a cut. Putting a
debounce filter on the limit inputs has helped here... but it does suggest that
there is a larger noise issue underlying some, if not all, of my problems. 

If you don't mind, I would like to ask a few things to help clarify 
things in my mind. 
How do I check to make sure that quadrature filtering is turned on? Is this a
"config modparam" statement that goes in the ini file? 
Can you give an example?

More info re: my system.
The 3 machine joint encoders are single ended TTL and so I have the 
default jumpers in place on the 7i33. But, the 4th (spindle) encoder is a
differential/RS422 model, so I have the jumper in the "UP" position for 
this one. I am aware of the "pre-revision D" alert that suggests removing the
resistor sips in the 5i20. How do I ascertain which rev. 5i20 I have without
pulling the card out of the computer?


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