On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 06:26 +0000, Tom wrote:
> Kirk Wallace <kwall...@...> writes:
> > 
> > If you are using a VFD on your spindle (or coolant pump), having one a
> > filter on the power input solved my noise problems.
> > 
> > http://www.eastek-intl.com/images/PreoSeriesEB.pdf
> > http://www.wallacecompany.com/cnc_lathe/HNC/00024-1a.jpg
> > 
> > If not, using a filter or ferite beads for other power lines might help.
>  ----------
> I checked your photo link. That was helpful. I think I will get a few EMI
> filters for the Opto boards and signal power supplies. 
> Thanks Kirk!
> Tom

Please don't spend your money just because of my comment, just keep it
in mind if problems come about. Because VFD's use higher frequency
switching, at decent currents, they can create noise on the mains input
or other places, but before you spend money, get a second opinion from
others on this list, who may have better advise.

Another experience I learned from was, with the original motor lead
filters on my Hardinge lathe, when I added the VFD, the filters
overheated, melted and smoked. Apparently, they tried to do their job of
filtering out high frequencies, which VFD's normally put out allot of.
The ferrite beads didn't seem have that problem. But I learned this from
trial and error rather than informed design, which is not the best way
to do things connected with high voltages, currents, mass, dollars, etc.


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