On Thursday 18 December 2008, Greg Michalski wrote:
>When I saw the images I had a feeling it was for some style of
>musket-loading pistol - very cool.  Nice work and glad to see Synergy is
>working well for you.  Definitely start a blog of you work.  Replica work
>like this, though not the historically correct method used for the originals
>is very cool and I for one would love to follow your work.
>Personally I'd like to get around to making up my own AR-15 receiver with
>some flair (within the legal limits of personal use and not for sale - just
>being clear so as not to get anyone's knickers in knots).  Granted not as
>historical as a musket but firearms are still a passion of mine regardless
>of the genre.
>Of course since I finally had a legitimate way to bring up firearms and EMC
>I now have the opportunity to tell Gene that I love the Ed Howdershelt quote
>in the sig line :)  Personally I've only used defenses one and two thus far,
>someday (I'm a young'n in my mid-30s - lots of living left to do - I hope)

Thanks for the flowers, and some of which (living) at 74, I have done. :)

>maybe I'll be called upon for number three

When you are young ane eligible, you just might.  I got a letter for petit 
jury duty a couple of years ago, and was amazed that I was excused because of 
my age after I filled out the form and returned it.  Darnit, I have more 
spare time than some poor schmuck who has to take a week off from work, 
losing several hundred dollars in income he probably sorely needs, and I 
think I can listen to the arguments as well as the next person (if they speak 
up that is, my hearing had been damaged by my hobbies).  And I'm far more 
likely to consider jury nullification if the charges appear to be trumped up 
than some youngster with far less of lifes experience to judge things by.  
But I got the impression from reading between the lines that what they wanted 
were robots the judge could program than real, reasoning jurors.

>but I sincerely pray I never need 
>to use four, especially for defense of freedom.

FWIW Greg, we have at least 200k men doing that right now, in Iraq and 
Afganistan amoung other places.  But I don't for a minute believe that is 
what that particular quote meant when Ed wrote it.  Much more along the lines 
of a rather famous half quote of Thomas Jefferson:  "The tree of liberty must 
be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants from time to time," and 
the rest of that comma terminated quote is "and God help us if we go 20 years 
without it." which does not get the well deserved ink the first half seems to 
get for free.

That to me, is what the 2nd amendment is all about.  The ability of the people 
to defend themselves from a government run amuck, is how I interpret the last 
box's meaning.

Sorry about the rant folks, but no one who attacks the Bill of Rights ever 
gets a 2nd vote from me...


Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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