don wilson wrote:
> Hello all, new to group.
> I am in the very final phases of completing my cnc setup.
> The last thing I did was set a backlash setting in my ini file. After doing 
> this and running a test, I noticed that the x-axis motor started freezing up 
> and loosing steps. Everything was working perfectly before I used a backlash 
> number.
> I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this here. I am thinking that 
> the backlash repositioning does not adhere to whatever acceleration values 
> you have set on your system and therefore locks up.
> Is there a way to change the acceleration value of the backlash? Will 
> lowering the acceleration of the system help this?
> Any input is appreciated!

This is a known problem, one that unfortunately doesn't have a simple
fix that we could apply to the code.

The backlash compensation move is limited to 50% of the accel limit in
the ini file.  The compensation move is added to whatever movement is
required to machine the part.  If the part program is using 100% of the
accel limit, then the sum of the two can total 150%.

The only workaround is to reduce the ini file acceleration limit to 66%
of what you have determined that your motors can handle.  That way, you
have a maximum of 66% main program accel + 33% backlash accel = 99%
which your motors can handle.


John Kasunich

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