Marko Bukovinsky wrote:
> What is the maximum counts / second Pluto - P can accept?
> I need 20000 counts/ rev so , can i use encoder with 5000 pulses ?
> Machine will have max 15m/min rapid move. motor 1500 rpm and 20000
> counts ( x 4 ) will pruduce 500000 pulses/ second. Is this acceptable
Since Jeff Eppler recommended my boards, I want to point out that the 
300,000 count/second limit on my boards is a VERY conservative spec.  
The encoder counter is clocked at 1 MHz, so that if there is not a lot 
of jitter and noise, it can count easily at 500,000 counts/second.
Where it becomes a problem is if the encoder signal contains a lot of 
noise and timing jitter.  I can up the clock rate to the encoder counter 
to raise this limit if needed.  Firmware is an 8-pin DIP plug-in, so 
field updates are quite possible.

I don't want to disparage anyone else's products, but we have gone to 
great lengths to make our boards work with the variety of parallel port 
chips used on various motherboards.


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