On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 20:04 -0400, Dean wrote:
> Hi Guys:
> Have any of you implemented the one button touch-off that's listed in the
> ladder examples in the Wiki?  I can't seem to make it work.  Here's my
> progression to this point:
> I've updated to 2.3Beta and ran the stepper wizard at which time I added the
> ladder app for E-stop using both the hardware and EMC soft e-stops.  When I
> ran EMC (AXIS) everything worked great.  Getting a little cocky at this
> stage, I decided to learn something about classic ladder and tried to add
> ladder programming to the existing e-stop ladder to implement the one button
> touch-off shown in the example.  Well, since my lame attempt at adding the
> programming I found in the CNCzone thread on this topic, I can't get EMC2 to
> load.  I even started from scratch and used just the files listed in that
> thread without any contamination by the e-stop ladder program.  That doesn't
> work either.  The closest I can get to start-up is an EMC debug error
> stating: custom_postgui.hal:13: pin 'motion.motion-inpos' does not exist.
> There is a line in the custom_postgui.hal file: "net in_pos
> motion.motion-inpos => classicladder.o.in-02" but that is the only reference
> to that signal/pin that I can find anywhere including the .hal and .ini
> files.  I'm a rank beginner here and don't know where to go next.  I can't
> seem to find anything to help me in the Hal docs either.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> Dean

I think the error is indicating that the pin module.motion-inpos can not
be found. I looked at the module called motion:


and noticed that there is an output pin called motion.motion-inpos, so
if the motion module is loaded, it should show up. The motion page
indicates that the module is loaded with:

loadrt motmod [base_period_nsec=period] [servo_period_nsec=period]
[traj_period_nsec=period] [key=SHMEM_KEY] [num_joints=[0-9]]

This should be in one of your .hal files. One of my .hal files has this

# motion controller, get name and thread periods from ini file
loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD 
servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD traj_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]TRAJ_PERIOD 

This should already be in your file, so check for spelling and misplaced
spaces, etc. You can also comment out the line calling for
motion.motion-inpos by adding a # in front of the line. This will make
EMC2 think that line is a comment, and will ignore it. This may get rid
of the error and allow EMC2 to load, or just give you a different error.

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