On Fri, 03 Apr 2009 19:52:21 -0400, you wrote:

>Yes.  They can be any distance apart as long as the distance adds a half a 
>slot.  And I believe I would adjust that by using a dual trace scope to get it 
>as close to 90 degrees out of time as I could, opto stuff works by ir diodes 
>and measuring it physically could be a long way off of 90 degrees just from 
>tolerance in the opto-interrupters.  

No problem with the opto's, they are buffered OPB916B's - rise/fall time
of just 50nS with a nice clean signal. I will be using a scope to set
them up, I'll make the bracket so the opto's can be adjusted more than a
slot and a space in relation to each other. 

>Motor reverse is going to need some sort of a servo lashup.  I'm doing the 
>spindle motor in my micromill with a repaired original driver, removed from 
>the mill head and installed alongside a PMDX-106 in a 3.5"x4.5"x7" plastic 
>box, with 2 dpdt P&B relays boosting the teeny ones on the PMDX-106, so I have 
>complete speed and direction control right from emc.  But I haven't servo'd it 
>yet, mainly because of the difficulty in attaching an encoder disk like yours 
>to the spindle.

Reversing works now, all I need it to do is be predictable where it
stops on commanding a stop/reverse. 

>If anyone comes up with an idea of how that might be done internally to the 
>micromills now nearly empty head houseing, without drowning the opto's in 
>flying grease from all those plastic gears, I'm all ears. 

Get rid if the gears and use timing belts, no grease then ;)

Steve Blackmore

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