Yes, I know what an encoder is and why.  I use Yaskawa motors and drives
that have indexes.  I do not use steppers.
The older m5i20 driver implemented index homing quite nicely.  The index
makes sure the home is very accurate. 
Before the m5i20 driver is removed, it would be good to have the new hm2
drive function correctly and in a similar manner.
Not being a programmer, especially a vhdl programmer, I have to leave that
up to others, for whom I am quite grateful.  I can, though, debug pretty
well because if something can get messed up, I can certainly do the messing.

If I have to change to the 'm' version .bit file, so be it.
I have one commercial installation of EMC2 with an m5i20 board, and am
hoping for more.
When my test system is up and running again, I will be happy to donate it as
an 'example' for inclusion in the distribution.
So, at this point I just need to figure out how to get index homing working
with the hm2 driver, if it is indeed possible.
Thanks again to all the developers and contributors for all the hard work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastian Kuzminsky [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 9:27 PM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i20 and hm2

noel wrote:
> What do you mean by 'hm2-servo configuration'??

"hm2-servo" is one of the sample configs shipped with emc2.  If you
installed one of the 2.3 debs it's in /usr/share/doc/emc2/examples, if you
checked out the CVS it's in configs/.

> Is this different from a 'stepper' configuration?

Yes, the sample configurations in hm2-servo/ use servo motors, as opposed to
the configs in the adjacent hm2-stepper/ directory, which use stepper

> Why and how would index homing work in one and not the other??

Index homing is a feature of the rotary encoder mounted to the motor shaft
of a servo motor.  A servo is not a servo without an encoder.  The encoder
provides position feedback to the servo controller.

Stepper motors do not (in general) have encoders; the discrete motion of the
motor itself acts as the position transducer.

Some configurations use non-rotary encoders, and some use encoders in
conjunction with stepper motors.  While these kinds of system csertainly
should be doable, I've personally never done it, and neither of the two
hostmot2 sample configs is set up to deal with it "out of the box".

Sebastian Kuzminsky
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