noel wrote:
> Yes, I know what an encoder is and why.  I use Yaskawa motors and drives
> that have indexes.  I do not use steppers.
> The older m5i20 driver implemented index homing quite nicely.  The index
> makes sure the home is very accurate. 
> Before the m5i20 driver is removed, it would be good to have the new hm2
> drive function correctly and in a similar manner.

Agreed, the older m5i20 driver should not be removed until well after 
all its features are supported and thuroughly tested in hm2.  I believe 
hm2 today can do everything that m5i20 can do, but it's not as well 
tested - we're still finding bugs in it...  The sooner we find them all, 
the sooner we can fix them all ;-)

> So, at this point I just need to figure out how to get index homing working
> with the hm2 driver, if it is indeed possible.

I think it's possible and it should work well.  Frank Tkalcevic said he 
has it working on his machine with the 5i20/SVST8_4.BIT firmware (no 
index mask).

Frank, can you please post your homing .ini and .hal on, and 
post a link on this mailing list?

Sebastian Kuzminsky
"Like most small parts, they are concrete-soluble: you drop them once,
they're gone forever." -- John Bush

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