I was testing the latest EMC 2.3.2 release on Ubuntu 8.04 yesterday,  
and observed that now the full height of the StepConf window will not  
fit on my 1024 by 768 monitor. The last time I used StepConf, about 6  
months ago, I could right click on the title bar, invoke the Move  
option and move the window up to make the execute buttons visible. But  
for some reason, either due to a Ubuntu 8.04 or Stepconf change (or  
finger trouble), I cannot move the window top edge above the top edge  
of the desktop. The Resize button for Stepconf's window is disabled,  
which is what is really needed here. The result of this height gain is  
that I cannot run StepConf, since the execute buttons are beyond  
reach, off the bottom of the screen.


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