I got triggered by the mail from Klemen about his servo amplifiers.

I own a 5i20 card, currently it is controlling my EMC mill using stepper 
A conversion towards servo motors is on its way - the servos have been 
ordered (both 1.7 and 2.5 Nm versions to play with).

The question now is what kind of servo drivers to use?
I am looking at the 7i40 or 7i27 cards from Mesa electronics but the 
7i27 is too small for the larger motor (60V motor where the 7i27 only 
goes up to 40V).
I did not look at the 7i33 that Klemen used - this could also be an option.
What is the way to go? PWM controlled servo drivers or analogue, go for 
the 7i40 or use the 7i33 (0-10V interface) with analogue servo 
amplifiers (and what kind of) ?
The motors are brush type servo motors, the small motors are 48V 3.5A 
and the larger one is 60V 4.5A but these are nominal currents.

My current best guess is that the 7i40 is a good card for the job and 
with 2 channels per card (of 149 USD) not expensive. Another card is the 
card from Pico Systems and with 20A it can deliver a higher current but 
this comes with a price (125 USD per channel). But ... the 7i40 HV 
version only goes up to 7A and the smaller motor specifies a max. 
current of 24A.
So the big question is if the 7i40 is enough or should I spend more 
money on the Pico Systems PWM Servo amps or should I even go for another 
Unfortunately the motors are still in the mail - as soon as these arrive 
I'll be testing them to see what the real power requirements are.

Any input is greatly appreciated.



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