Rob Jansen wrote:
> Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
>>      <>
> 2.2 explains the basic concept. Section 29 goes a bit deeper into tuning 
> of the PID constants but OUTPUT_SCALE and MAX_OUTPUT are not mentioned 
> over there.

OUTPUT_SCALE and MAX_OUTPUT are described briefly in section 7 of that 

The hm2-servo configs set both of them to 1.0, and that's probably a 
reasonable value.  MAX_OUTPUT is the biggest value that the pid 
component can specify for the hm2 pwmgen value input.  The hm2 pwmgen 
divides its value input by its scale (OUTPUT_SCALE, 1.0), and the result 
becomes the PWM duty cycle.

So setting both the pid.maxoutput and the hm2 pwmgen.scale to 1.0 means 
that the pid output gets clipped to [ -1.0, +1.0 ], and directly 
corresponds to the PWM duty cycle.

> If the PID tuning is done for a given system I should be able to change 
> the unit dimensions without touching the PID parameters: PID parameters 
> are dependent on the electronic and the mechanical properties, not the 
> unit size.

The PID parameters in the hm2-servo sample config will be useless for 
your machine, and it's only coincidence that they worked at all. 
Especially with servo machines, you need to customize the config for 
your particular hardware.

The best tool i know of for this kind of stuff is halscope.  You can 
start halscope from axis or from the shell's command-line.  You can use 
it to look at all of emc2's controlled variables, like the commanded and 
actual position, the following error, the pwm duty cycle the 5i20 is 
emitting, PID tuning parameters, etc.

I'd start by setting the following error limit very high, like 10 mm or 
so, so emc2 doesnt keep shutting you down while you're tuning it.  Then 
use MDI to move the axis less than the ferror limit, while watching the 
servo/PID behavior in halscope.

But take my advise with a grain of salt, since i've never actually tuned 
a servo...  ;-)

The topic of servo tuning comes up periodically on this mailing list, a 
search of the archives may yield better suggestions.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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