
I am totally perplexed! I have two apparently very similar 
stepper motors - i.e. made by the same company ( Oriental 
Stepper), both 32 size and single stack although one is 
about 1/4in longer than the other. Lets call them X and Y to 
avoid confusion. I also have two driver boards - not 
identical as I blew one up recently :_{ - one is a 
commercial microstepping board, set to abut 1.5A capacity 
and the other is a L297/L298 board - both are set to half 
stepping. Lets call these A and B. I had them connected up 
on a little machine with motor X driven by board A and Motor 
Y by board B and everything ran fine. I decided that I 
wanted to swap the axes over and so I unplugged motor X from 
board A and plugged it into board B and vice versa for motor 
Y. Now motor Y connected to the L297/l298 board had no power 
at all - the spindle rotated feebly but the slightest touch 
on the spindle stopped it and it just sat there quivering 
and buzzing gently. Motor X was quite happy and running at 
full power. I changed them back again and once again both 
motors ran at full power .... I did the changing over 
several times to verify that it wasn't due to a bad 
connection or something and I double checked that both 
motors were wired in exactly the same way - also that the 
EMC2 settings in the .INI file were the same for each axis.

I can't find any data on the motors  as they are obsolete, 
so I can't tell if there are any differences in the windings 
but both sets of coils ( they are 8 wire motors wired as 2 
series pairs of coils and the pair colours correspond on 
both motors) seem to be wired the same and have the same 
resistance on both motors.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom to explain this 
phenomenon? It has me completely baffled....

Thanks,  Ian

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