Hello guys,

We still try to run sewing-machine robot.

New problem is pause (about 0,3 sec) on M101 command
We use M101 (M102, M103, M104) to manage speed of needle.

Here some example of program
M3 S4000
G0 X9.100  Y197.600  Z4.000
M101                     (set slow speed of needle)(pause 0,3 sec)
G1 Z0.000 F200           (cutting-in)
M103                     (set fast speed of needle)(again pause about 0,3 sec)
G3  X1.300  Y188.500  R9.014 F800  

Any way to use M101 without pause

Best regards

We tried to use M7,M8,M9 with the same result.

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