On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Flying Electron wrote:

> Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:47:34 -0800
> From: Flying Electron <sa...@flyingelectron.com>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] PWM input to EMC2
> I've got a pressure sensor that I'd like to use as a probe.  The sensor
> has a value from 0 - 1023 based on the amount of pressure applied.  The
> sensor is read by a microcontroller and the microcontroller can generate
> a pwm signal based on the sensor value.  I was thinking that EMC2 could
> read in the PWM signal and reconvert the PWM signal back to a number
> from 0 - 1023 which could then be fed into a comparator in HAL to
> generate the probe signal.  I think doing it this way would allow me to
> vary the trip point by varying the comparator input.
> The only two ways I have figured out how to get an analog value into
> EMC2 through a parallel port is either PWM input or pulsing an input pin
> at a frequency and having an encoder trigger off the pulses and read the
> velocity from the encoder.  Maybe I am making this too complicated and
> there is a simpler way?
> Thanks!
> Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
>> Flying Electron wrote:
>>> I've been looking through all the realtime components and haven't seen
>>> anything obvious.  Is there a component to read a PWM signal in from a
>>> parallel port pin?
>> That's backwards from how we usually do it - pwm generally comes *from*
>> emc2, goes *out* the parallel port, and then goes in to a servo amp or
>> similar.
>> What are you trying to do?

Depending on the microcontroller, if you are only using one PWM channel, you 
may be able to output a variable frequency by changing the PWM resolution.

Also, if the required bandwidth is low, you could have EMC randomly sample the 
PWM input at the base thread rate and low-pass filter the result. In this case 
you need to chose your PWM frequency so the beats are high enough frequency to 
filter easily

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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