
i have recently started getting familiar with EMC2 - it is wonderful
software, developers have my thanks and all the respect :))
i have been following this mailing list for few weeks and due to my
limited knowledge in CNC and computer literacy/programming now it is
time for me to ask a question.

i am implementing waterjet cutting machine upgrade from 2 axis to 5
axis and subsequently - DOS-based controlling system to EMC2.

part of this implementation is Tool [torch] Height Control - i have
ultrasonic sensor that i would like to use for nozzle height control.
Datasheet of the sensor is here:

i have searched for more information on THC implementation and what
confuses me is that it seems like i would need some additional
hardware as described here:

the question is - is there a way to set THC in a way that EMC2
acquires data directly from sensor and adjusts Z axis height as
required (at least at the beginning of executing file for 5 axis code
and preferrably floating Z axis for 2 axis code. creating 2 separate
machine profiles - 2 axis and 5 axis - is acceptable)? without
additional boards and hardware as i do not understand, what is their

i have a Pixsys DRR 245 controller available - if that can help EMC2
in understanding sensor's outputs or transform the signal in some
way... short description about this controller:

thanks in advance, if anyone can share advice!


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