On 17 February 2010 19:38, Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i have searched for more information on THC implementation and what
> confuses me is that it seems like i would need some additional
> hardware

EMC only really understands digital signals, that is the problem. The
sensors you show have analogue outputs.
There are a number of ways to get analogue signals into EMC, but they
all involve some form of signal conversion. The simplest is probably a
voltage-frequency convertor IC wired to one of your digital IO pins
and an Encoder in HAL set to Counter Mode. The encoder.velocity then
represents the value of your analogue voltage.
Alternatively you could use a PWM generator of some form.

Another approach that I have not seen used yet would be to cannibalise
a USB gamepad and wire your sensor in the place of one of the analgue
joystick potentiometers. There is a lot of good info on the
linuxcnc.org wiki on interfacing gamepads with EMC2


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