
Since one of my last set of drivers let its smoke out, I 
just took delivery of a new 4-axis driver board from China - 
OK, I know, but it was cheap like me..... this is the 
reference to it  http://tinyurl.com/yjyasqu

The board is based on Toshiba TB6560AHQ chips and one thing 
it requires which I haven't come across before is an enable 
signal for each axis. these are active high.

I've trawled the documentation - stepconf mentions 
'amplifier enable' but says nothing about what it is, I have 
found references to 'charge pump' and 'PID enable' but don't 
really understand what these are..

So, how would I write enable outputs in a hal file so that I 
get one for each of the 4 axes - would this be an 
appropriate way of doing things - or would I be better to 
provide a permanent pullup to +5v from somewhere for each 
pin, or intercept the parallel port pins and take each to a 
manual switch to pull up to +5v?

The parallel port pinout appears to be 'Xdir, pin1 - Xstep, 
pin16 - Xenable, pin4 - Ystep, pin14 - Ydir, pin 7 - 
Yenable, pin17 - Zstep, pin3 - Zdir, pin 6 - Zenable, pin5 - 
Cstep, pin9 - Cdir, pin8 - Cenable, pin 5 - Spindle motor, pin2'

Any help gratefully received...  thanks

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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