You can lock a user out of everything pretty easy with IceWM and its
easy text files for menus.
Just make sure there is no shell  the user can start and make sure
user can't login from the console either to edit the IceWM config.
I used to use it in a computer lab to give the users very limited
choices, the complaint about not being to install anything was there,
in long run it just worked.

the startup file should let you call emc without the &, so the startup
file would sit there and not get processed any further.
Then when you close emc it processes the rest, so following emc in the
startup with a shutdown -h now should work.
All other things you would background with a & at the end of the line,
except for emc. (i did not have this startup requirement in the
computer lab)

This has worked for me in the past.
IceWM has the benefit of not needing all of KDE, it's light weight too.

Not running a window manager could be tricky if you manage to drag a
window behind another and can't get to it anymore.
while disabling things and still having access to open windows from
pop up or alt-tab seems beneficial.

Eric gave a good idea there though, google for "IceWM Kiosk" on some
ideas in that "thinner" direction.
perhaps you can adapt the icewm/firefox kiosk example, it talks about
LTSP, which is what i ran in the computer lab, just never needed kiosk

Hope this helps.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Eric H. Johnson
<> wrote:
> Mark,
> You might check into "Kiosk" mode which works with KDE (Kubuntu) at least
> through version 8.04. I have not used it, but with a quick search it looks
> like it may still only be available under KDE3, but not yet available under
> KDE4, which may be an issue after the next LTS release (10.4).
> Anyway, try searching on Kubuntu Kiosk mode or Kubuntu Kiosk admin (tool).
> Regards,
> Eric
> Hello All,
> I'm trying to create a setup whereby when a user starts up the computer,
> he is forced to log on after which emc2 is launched automatically
> and when emc2 is closed this ends the session, logs the user off,
> and shuts down the computer.  (Essentially, I would like to run linux
> computer with emc2 installed on it as a single purpose machine -
> industrial controller.)
> To re-cap, the important factors are:
> 0. user is forced to log on, upon which emc2 starts automatically
> 1. user cannot open any other programs (while emc2 is running)
> 2. he is logged out when emc2 exits (and computer shuts down)
> 3. ideally, some sort of graphical logon is used
> I'm considering using Debian or Ubuntu.  I want to run emc2 in full screen,
> so I believe there should be no need for a window manager.
> I've been playing with starting linux in text mode and then starting emc2
> with startx, but without success...
> I'm sure there is someone who has tried something like this before.
> I've looked through the docs and archives but without much luck.
> I would greatly appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
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