> Ok, well if Les' tool change routine works as you would like, and if Les's 
> memory is good, then doing a program pause, then stop, (then jog about, do 
> tool touch offs etc ) followed with a "run from here" should in effect do 
> what Les is doing with his tool change program modification...   correct?
Not exactly.
The program stops at M6 and allow to jog machine. When you push OK in 
dialog box the machine resume in next line. The next line is usaly G00 
with X and Y and next one is usaly G01/02/03 with Z. And Les riutine 
works nice.
But if you execute the program like this:

G01 X100 Y100
M6 T1
G00 X0
G01 X-100

and you leave machine in Y<>100 then Les routine does wrong move - ruin 
part or something worse.
So Les routine works in near all cases but sometime not! The user need 
to be very careful when use that and check file if after M6 the all 
coordinate restored with G00. Modal cordinates make here a lot of trouble!

If we have M0/M1 pauses inline (and some routine to make same job) the 
same problem arrises.

If we want to use PAUSE(ESC) and RESUME the thing is much worse.
As we hit PAUSE the machine does immidieatly decelerate and stop. The 
stop is not aligned in endpoint in program but can be anywhere in line! 
So if we jog here and then click resume the action is unpredicted as 
machine wil skip rest of move and contunue in next line!.

So the simple KISS (keep it simple and stupid) approach is something like:

User Hit PAUSE:
    machine save xyzabc... all coordinates
    machine enable jog (MDI?)
user do whatever
User hit RESUME
    machine does linear move to saved coordinate (not in canned cycle)
    machine resume operation from point when stopped (can be in middle 
of G0/1/2/3...) (not in canned cycle)

If coordinates are saved in #0,#1,#2.... then user can manualy restore 
it (G0 X#1..) in order as want.
If motion is paused within canned (drill) cycle then I think the best 
way to resume it is to ask operator if want to retry last (paused) 
operation or skip it.

So if I return to question above the answer is NO.
It should be something like:
jog and do whaever you like
if G0/1/2/3 was paused REPEAT last (paused line) to finish it
if canned cycle was breaked decide to repeat it or resume to next (and 
if resume to x clean Z before do that)

So the jog under pause is not simple but many users need/wan't that. So 
I think the priority should be higher as is as workaround is possible 
but wery messy and danger (for folks with grey hair) to..

So please make some effort to get solution for that problem.




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