
On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Steve Blackmore <> wrote:

> Hi Stuart - look at the wiki page, nobody is asking that it works during
> macros, canned cycles, loops or any other excuse that can be made to not
> implement it.
I will. You are correct to assume I had not looked at the wiki page. I was
responding to the tone of comments on this thread.

> >  BUT!!!!!
> >  EMC2 is open software. If you want a feature - have at it. You will find
> >help beyond belief from the developers and others.
> Define developers. A better name may be coordinators of third party
> input. No new features get "developed" unless one of them wants it for
> himself.
Defining developers is a hard thing. We 'could' all be defined as
I am not a code guy.
I don't program python at all. Wish I did. You should see some of the
comments from 'real' programmers when they see my code. Their suggestions
never fail to help and guide. The give and take is fun.
I do program """VVEERRYY""" rudimentary C. See previous comments. :)
The sum total of my formal programming education is 1 semester of Fortran 4
at Emporia State University in 1978. I was 24 and wanting to change careers.
After that semester I found a machine shop and never looked back.
Using EMC2 I just jumped in, made mistakes, and listened. From my experience
if you would start implementing the features requested in this thread and
encountered a hard spot you would find a dozen people willing to review,
test and help with the project. Probably more than a dozen.
It is only partially true that features are developed when one of the
developers needs a feature. Personal need/time, EMC2 need, personal
challange/interest, are a few of the factors determining feature
development. I know those are some of the factors with me so I assume the
'developers' think along the same lines. At times it is possible to create
the interest. Creativity helps. :)
Early on I was able to get help by submitting code for review. 'What the
hell is that?' was the response from several of the developers. Help was
forthcoming and the project was completed. :)

> What are the aims of EMC? Does it have any aspirations to progress or
> not?
> From
> The board of directors will:
>   1. develop an EMC mission statement
> Has that been done? What is it?
>   5.  maintain a prioritised list of features to be added
> Where do these features come from, who is tasked to write them, how do
> you get things added to this list?
> >You will have to put in
> >time and effort but then you will have what you want. The developers and
> >others are not paid to do this. Their time is freely given out of their
> >lives.
> I can't give any programming skills but I have got 40 years practical
> engineering experience, I can't write code, but I can freely advise how
> things work in the real world.
I have 31 years as a machinist/NC programmer. I can't write code either. I
can understand the time restraints working against learning the programming.
If I had more time I might try to implement these requests. It would be a
hard project.

> I would expect those who volunteered to be "developers" to convert those
> "features" to code??
> >  You want something - GO FOR IT. You will find the people involved will
> go
> >out of their way to assist you.
> Not in my experience. The only option seems to be "write it yourself".
The meaning of my comment was 'write it yourself' and you will find help
from the EMC2 world.

> >They just won't do the whole project for
> >you.
> Discussing would be a start!
I haven't been on IRC in a long time. I have seen it discussed by the
I have seen comments that do not support putting much time into the project.
In the interest of full disclosure I haven't seen the dire need of these
features. I don't lobby for or against these features. In my world and time
there are other features that occupy my time.


dos centavos

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