On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 07:54:36AM -0500, Viesturs L??cis wrote:
> I just received also this error message:
> "Straight feed in concave corner cannot be reached by the tool without 
> gouging"
> It indicated that the error is around line 24, so here is the part of the 
> code:
> G1 X+167.031 Y+46.741
> G1 X+167.643 Y+46.983
> G1 X+168.223 Y+47.330
> G1 X+168.364 Y+47.433
> G1 X+168.364 Y+23.726    <--line24
> G1 X+147.289 Y+23.726
> G1 X+147.289 Y+54.982
> The code consists of very small G1 moves. Unfortunately the CAD
> drawing consisted almost only of splines, which are not very welcome
> by my CAM application, so it converted the splines in very small
> straight segments. That is why that file consists of 16344 lines, so I
> do not see an option of manual correction of the code.
> Can anyone explain, what is that EMC does not like about the g-code
> and what can I do to correct it?

Yes, the problem is just what the error message says.  There is a move
that makes a concave corner but the move cannot be reached (the tool
cannot move alongside it as you request) without gouging into the
profile of the part.  Here is a screenshot showing the situation.  I
copied your code, added g21 and g42 commands, and put a 1.1mm tool in
my tool table.  I jogged the tool near the corner so you can see the
situtation.  The highlighted cyan line is from line 7 in my program.
The error message points to line 8 in my program, which was your
line24.  (Notice I used block delete to allow myself to view the
unoffset path.)


Also notice that if line 8 had gone in another direction (say upward),
line 7 could have been reached just fine.  This is why line 7 isn't
the error; it is the whole situation which causes the error and the
situation is finalized when line 8 is reached.

The harder question you ask is what you can do to correct it.  I don't
know the answer to that except to say that you must generate gcode
that does not have these unreachable moves if you need to use cutter

I did not check your first program with the arc problem because you
did not give enough surrounding lines for me to be sure that I would
see the same problem.  As you can see above, the directions of
surrounding moves are relevant when the path is compensated.  If you
do a similar examination I think you will be able to see the problem.
If not, post a screenshot or a complete (but minimal) program showing
the problem and I will try to help.


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