Hello, guys!

I still would like to find out, how can I make my machine safer and at
least disable jogging in joint mode, but I did not receive any answer.
I would really appreciate, if anyone could share some insights on how
to achieve that.

See below forwarded initial message for more details :)

with best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------

My machine has a gantry setup and there have been several situation,
when I accidentaly start jogging it before I switch to world mode and
last week I noticed that EMC sometimes swithces from world mode to
joint mode, when I go from "manual control" to "MDI" tabs on the left
side of the screen.

So I wanted to ask:
1) is there a way to disable jogging, while in joint mode?
what I actually would like to achieve is - start EMC, home all axis
and automagically switch to world mode and do not allow switching back
to joint mode. Is something like this possible? I think that
situations, when machine is in a position, where separate joints have
to be jogged, are special cases and I find totally acceptable to
change some settings in ini/hal or any other files before doing it and
then set it back.

2) what information should I try to get, if this unwanted
world-to-joint mode switch will happen, when I will just switch from
"manual control" to "MDI" and back? when this thing happened, I
clicked several times to go from one tab to another and back and so
on, but then it behaved as it should - remained in world mode. I
noticed it, because I started to jog the machine and it started
cracking as only one motor on the gantry was turning. It seems to me
that it might be very easy to destroy the machine, but I do not know,
how to reproduce this error.


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