On Sat, 2010-12-04 at 20:30 +1100, Erik Christiansen wrote:
... snip
> Oh, it's enough for what you want to do now. But ISTR a home switch +
> index filter, on the other thread. It can do that too, if pins can be
> found. But then there's the extra functionality we just have to have,
> when we're nearly finished. ;-)

I just want to do the watchdog on the AVR. I believe EMC2 should do as
many functions as possible. The AVR should do what ever the PC can't,
such as check PC/EMC2 function. There may be other things too, such as
motion control for tool changers, but I see this more as an EMC2 feature
that is missing.

... snip
> Ah, they use the USB frame timing to calibrate the on-board RC
> oscillator.
> I saw USB transmit code, but nothing for receive (i.e. for setting
> watchdog timing.) Ah, your last site has projects involving USB output.
> > http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/projects.html 

This is something I need to look into.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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