Stuart Stevenson wrote:
> I have to move the finger and hand axes while the wrist axis moves to be
> able maintain orientation.
> I tried this without the multiple subtraction line but was unable to hold
> the hand orientation while the wrist moved.
Hmmm, so joints 4 and 5 (starting at 0) both need to have joint 3 
subtracted?  The code I wrote can't do that.  It would be possible to 
make another parameter that tells which joint to unrotate by.  Something 
like base_joint.  This would be a parameter ranging from 0 to (number of 
joints-1).  The code would then be something like:
if ((unrotate logic) && (base_joint<link_num) && (base_joint!= this_joint))
joints[this_joint].theta-=joints[joints[this_joint].base_joint].theta * 
(or so :) )
> (this is my main problem)
> I could not cause any change in robot motion no matter what I did to the
> kinematics file. It seems as if I am not using the correct
> kinematics/directory. If I could see some effect I could work with this to
> get what I want.
Are you testing after homing and going into world mode?  I spent some 
time wondering why my code wasn't getting executed, before I figured out 
that I had to test in the right mode :)

- Steve

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