Steve Blackmore wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 16:56:39 +0100, you wrote:
> >from the wiki page, Gladevcpsetup (currently I cant reach it):
>> sudo apt-get install python-xlib python-gtkglext1
> That command is not shown on
> page. It merely says sudo apt-get install glade :(
> However after doing the above, gladevcp - h now shows the gladevcp help
> file.
> Running the following, as shown on the wiki page above,
> cd emc2-dev/lib/python/gladevcp
> gladevcp gladevcp-test.ui
> still errors with command not found !
That's an easy one, if you typed exactly what's above.  You need 
./gladevcp, since it's in the current directory once you cd there, and 
not in the path. :)
> I think some work needs doing on the wiki page to correct the
> information there.
Thanks for pointing out your troubles.  I don't know what happened since 
I installed gladevcp for testing.  I don't remember having any of the 
package dependency problems you pointed out.  There are at least 3 
possible reasons for that though (bad memory, already installed 
packages, or wiki changes).

- Steve

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