On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 23:37:18 +0100, you wrote:

>> not in the path. :)
>>> I think some work needs doing on the wiki page to correct the
>>> information there.
>> Thanks for pointing out your troubles.  I don't know what happened since 
>> I installed gladevcp for testing.  I don't remember having any of the 
>> package dependency problems you pointed out.  There are at least 3 
>> possible reasons for that though (bad memory, already installed 
>> packages, or wiki changes).
>All gladevcp package dependencies actually should be in master, and therefore 
>be installed, which is why I removed them from the wiki. They were needed 
>before all deps were merged into master.
>The error you pointed out hinted at a missing package resulting from a broken 
>install, which I tried to help you with but which is a bit hard to diagnose 
>without further details. Are you sure you pulled master completely, and 
>properly configured and built?

Yes, I followed the instructions on the wiki page,
and also did a git pull, which said up to date  - the gtkglext1 were not
installed already and seem to be missing from the packages with the

>That aside, I still would be interested in reports of doing an install from 
>master onto a pristine 10.04 and 8.04.

That was a pretty much pristine 10.04.

Steve Blackmore

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