On 3/1/2011 1:11 AM, Igor Chudov wrote:
> I have the W axis working.
> http://www.chudov.com/projects/Bridgeport-Series-II-Interact-2-CNC-Mill/34-Adding-Servo-Control-to-Knee/
> When commanded, the W axis moves up and down, roughly as instructed,
> according to my G0 W... commands.
> It is not super precise or well tuned, yet, but really not so bad and
> compares favorably to cranking the knee handle. I will try to evaluate
> backlash and such, when I get more time to tune this system.
> For those too lazy to look at pictures, the W axis is a 1,000+ chunk of
> metal, moved up and down by a 15:1 DC gearmotor, that turns a shaft that, in
> turn, turns a ACME nut on the knee screw. There is a pneumatic assist on the
> knee, which helps a lot.
> There is one problem, however: after the motion stops, ppmc.0.DAC.3 does not
> go down to zero, and instead stays high, while the system is not moving. I
> explain this by remaining under power to move "one more hair distance"
> against friction, nothing is moving, and nothing is there to decrease the
> output.
> If it decreases a little bit, no disaster should happen, the knee will not
> drop, the system is self braking etc.
> Instead, current is provided to the motor, the not enough to move the rotor,
> but enough to heat it up too much.
> So. How would I somehow configure EMC to stop providing any current to "W",
> when not really moving it?
> i


Off on a tangent, I see one major problem.  Uncovered concrete...  ;-)


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